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What should I check for in my purchase and sale agreement?
When the search for a new home is over and you decide upon a property that you wish to purchase, it can be a very exciting and emotional period. You may already be thinking about colour palettes and what furniture…
Using A Realtor: Technology Versus The Human Touch
You’ve probably heard many different stories of companies utilizing technologies in innovative ways to make the consumer experience more efficient. Whether it be digitizing documents, online sales, or having artificial intelligence complete tasks for you, there’s no question that advancements…
Understanding a status certificate’s role in a condo purchase
After looking at all home-buying options, you finally decide that a condo is the best fit for your current lifestyle. Condos have been rising in popularity for a number of reasons – many first-time home buyers can afford them, they…
The differences between a deposit and a down payment
When you are in the market for a home, you may hear people using the terms deposit and down payment interchangeably. However, to do so is a mistake. These terms are actually distinctly different and play different roles in real…
What Can a Real Estate Lawyer Do for You
It is common knowledge that you need a real estate lawyer when they buy or sell a home, but many people are not entirely sure what their lawyer actually does for the transaction. This is something we intend to clarify…
What happens if you miss a mortgage payment?
When a borrower fails to pay their mortgage installments, the lender can choose between several mortgage remedies. These include power of sale, judicial sale and foreclosure. There are several more, but these three are the most commonly used, and we…
Law Clerk vs Lawyer: What’s the difference?
Law clerks and lawyers can often be confused as being the same, due to the similarities in their job tasks and title. In Ontario, the law clerk can be seen as the right hand man to the lawyer. As law…
What is Title Insurance and do I need it?
Whether you're thinking of purchasing a home soon, or already a homeowner, getting Title Insurance should be something to consider. Although Title Insurance is not required in Ontario, it will protect residential or commercial property owners and their lenders against…
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